2017년 3월 10일 금요일

South Korean court throws president out of office, 2 dead in protest



The former President caused the national divisions, which led to tragic deaths of 2 citizens.

Hope to advance to a better society

댓글 4개:

  1. comment:

    The former President caused the national divisions, which led to tragic deaths of 2 citizens.

    Hope to advance to a better society

  2. Should elected government officials be required to retire at the same age as civil servants?

    No, they shouldn't.

    1. adopt skills and know-how
    many elected officials in Korea had experienced their own career related to the current role during their then jobs. Therefore, we should take advantage of their skills and know-how in order to not only enact timely and contemparary laws but also audit specific fields of the government.

    2. too young to retire

    As we live longer than the past 60year old is no longer regarded as being old.

    3. infringe the freedom of occupations

    It could be an infringement. Whether to let them serve or not, we, citizens determine it by voting.

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